A Love of Woodworking

Jeff Herbertson is a builder and contractor who has been honing his woodworking skills for the last 15 years. He comes from a lineage of builders, woodworkers and craftsman; from a young age Jeff learned boat boat building with his father and grandfather. Jeff is dedicated to using sustainably sourced redwood for all wooden products. Working closely with a private mill Jeff is able to get premium small scale, sustainable redwood. The trees we use are cut during fire safety clearing in the urban rural interface. Jeff is committed to building long lasting outdoor play products that are safe, creative and environmentally friendly. Jeff lives with his family in northern California surrounded by the some of the oldest trees in the world.

 Play — especially unstructured, imaginative, exploratory nature play — is increasingly recognized as an essential component of wholesome child development.
— Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods